Latest News
Announcing TomoPlus 7.3 - September 2024 Release
We are excited to announce the release of TomoPlus 7.3. We continue to add new features and functionality to make TomoPlus the industry standard in near-surface statics and imaging technology. In this release, we have added a new feature for importing seismic shot data and optional first breaks from an existing Epos/Paradigm project. Other new features include the ability to Extend the Velocities of the near-surface model outwards based on the ray density boundaries along with other velocity editing tools. Click here for more details.
Announcing MiVu 2.1 - June 2024 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of MiVu 2.1! In this release, we continue to improve the overall flexibility of the software by providing the user with many new Utilities/Data conversation functions. The experienced user can now add their own Third-Party processing modules and algorithms.
Click here for more details.
Announcing GeoThrust 4.5 - April 2024 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of GeoThrust 4.5! In this release, we continue to improve the newly implemented 5D Interpolation to perform 3D, 4D and 5D data interpolation along with enhancements and options to build 3D model from well logs, and many other improvements and bug fixes.
Click here for more details.
Announcing VECON 4.8 - March 2024 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of VECON 4.8! In this release, we continue to improve the ability to use well logs in both 3D and 2D model building and the functionality to use Petrel ZMap layers.
Click here for more details.
Announcing GeoVS 4.1 - January 2024 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of GeoVS 4.1! GeoVS is a comprehensive 2D & 3D VSP processing and imaging software package. In this release, we have added new features and fixed bugs in the preprocessing module. We have improved the 3C picking functionality.
Click here for more details.
Announcing GeoThrust 4.4 - October 2023 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of GeoThrust 4.4! In this release, we have added 5D Interpolation to perform 3D, 4D and 5D data interpolation along with enhancements and options to build 3D model from well logs, 3D H-mode, Simplified Structural Filter (SOSE), and many other improvements and bug fixes.
Click here for more details.
Announcing VECON 4.7 - September 2022 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of VECON 4.7! In this release, we continue to add DAS functionality. We have added a DAS modeling feature for Directivity Correction in the 3D Finite Difference Forward Modeling along with other bug fixes to improve the performance and functionality.
Click here for more details.
Announcing GeoThrust 4.3 - July 2022 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of GeoThrust 4.3! In this release, we have added many new features. Such as; a new Structural Filter (SOSE), option to calculate Frequency-Dependent Stack Power Residual Statics, many enhancements to the 3D H-mode velocity picking tools, and many other improvements and bug fixes.
Click here for more details.
Announcing TomoPlus 7.0 - May 2022 Release
We are excited to announce the release TomoPlus 7.0. We continue to add new features and functionality to make TomoPlus the industry standard in near-surface statics and imaging technology. In this release, we have added "Tomomatic" a new Automatic Processing module for calculating statics automatically with the click of a button. We have also added Enhanced 3D Traveltime Tomography with improved resolution for the shallowest part of the model, improved the performance of 3D Refraction Residuals, and added a VTI option for both 2D and 3D Traveltime Tomography along with general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Announcing VECON 4.6 - December 2021 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of VECON 4.6! The release new capabilities to extend a 2D layer model to 3D, to extract an arbitrary 2D line from a 3D grid model, to export the fold for the entire layer, including the bins with fold of zero.
Click here for more details.
Announcing GeoTomo & SAExploration Asset Purchase & Strategic Alliance - August 13,2021
GeoTomo LLC is proud to announce they have completed the purchase of the ETHOS™ seismic processing software IP and source code from SAExploration, Inc. and have also formed an alliance to provide SAExploration seismic data processing services when required. This alliance will leverage the companies’ respective strengths in Seismic Data Acquisition and Data Processing to provide upstream oil and gas operators a seamless integrated subsurface imaging solution for both land and marine.
Click here for more details.
Dr. Oz Yilmaz new land seismic book is now available - July 14, 2021
The SEG has published Oz Yilmaz's newest book, "Land Seismic Case Studies for Near-Surface Modeling and Subsurface Imaging" Written for practicing geophysicists, the book is a comprehensive guide to understanding and analyzing seismic data. Click here for more details.
Announcing TomoPlus 6.4 - June 2021 Release
We are all back to work at GeoTomo and continue to improve existing features and adding new ones to TomoPlus. We have continue to improved 2D/3D PICKER, PREP and IMAGING as well as improve existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Announcing GeoThrust 4.2 - February 2021 Release
As we all wait on our vaccination, we have been moving ahead with improving existing features and adding new ones to GeoThrust. We have continue to improved the OVT Migration implementation, added new tools such as RHO: new module to preform a zero-phase filter to manipulate the amplitude spectrum, TAUP: new module to transform the data in to the Tau-P domain, TVSW: new option to perform amplitude-preserving TVSW along with improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Announcing VECON 4.5.1 - November 2020 Release
VECON version 4.5.1 is a minor release and has the following new features and improvements from version 4.5. Some of the improvements are, made output polarity more consistent for acoustic and elastic finite different synthetics, fixed the output of DAS response in 2D finite difference generation, added ability to map the values of the grid model on the intersecting layers, along with improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Announcing TomoPlus 6.3 - October 2020 Release
Hopefully, we will have a vaccine for COVID-19 soon! In the meantime, we are still working hard improving existing features and functionality and adding new ones to TomoPlus. We have new modules such as DASCOMP to perform DAS amplitude compensation, and new option for "Smooth Model Statics". We have also added Geometry Map and more waveform QC tools for FWI along with improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Announcing GeoThrust 4.1 - July 2020 Release
The Coronavirus pandemic is still here but it hasn't stopped us from improving existing features and adding new ones to GeoThrust. We have significantly improved the OVT Migration which includes adding Common Offset option, added new tools to import and edit Well Logs for improved velocity model building, along with improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Announcing TomoPlus 6.2 - May 2020 Release
During the Coronavirus pandemic, we have been busy adding new features and making old ones even better. We have added VTI 3D traveltime tomography capability, 3D grid model smoothing, velocity model histograms, along with improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Announcing VECON 4.5 - March 2020 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of VECON 4.5! The release features a new 2D finite difference forward modeling response for DAS fiber data sensitive with offset angle. Additional features include ability to build one or two-sided walkaway geometry, option to smooth grid models horizontally or along topography, option to add/subtract/merge grid models, and improved raytracing functionality off of objects. This release also includes many improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Dave McCann joins the GeoTomo Team
GeoTomo is excited to announce that Dave McCann has joined our team. He brings many years of depth imaging experience with him including 15 years as Depth Imaging Manager at Chevron. Dave’s depth imaging expertise is a great fit with GeoTomo’s advance model building technology such as land FWI and Fast Beam Tomography. We look forward to working with Dave and refining our depth imaging software and services
Announcing GeoThrust 4.0 - February 2020 Release
Today, we are happy to announce the release of GeoThrust 4.0! This release focuses on improved workflow performance and on responding to the feedback we've received from our user community. Some of the many things we've worked on since the last GeoThrust 3.4 release includes adding a functionlity of 3D Horizon Mode Picking, new functionality OVT Migration, and many new PREP signal processing modules, along with improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Dr. Jie Zhang, founder of GeoTomo, has been elected as one of 87 new members of the United States National Academy of Engineering (NAE) as announced on 6th Feb 2020. Election to the Academy is one of the highest professional honors an engineer can receive. Zhang's induction is, "for advances in earthquake seismology, geophysical imaging, and medical technology."
Dr. Zhang’s achievements in three different fields include over 170 technical publications and more than 50 technology products. In the field of earthquake seismology, he led his team developing cutting-edge technologies for monitoring, early warning, and prediction of natural earthquakes, and released the first AI-driven earthquake monitoring system EarthX in the world, currently operating in China. In geophysical imaging, he led GeoTomo developing modeling and imaging solutions for near surface, land seismic, VSP, and microseismic, offering imaging solutions to the worldwide users. In the medical industry, he led the efforts of developing medical X-ray imaging products for diagnosis, and biomedical formulations for cancer treatment. Dr. Zhang has had many papers in multiple fields published on the high impact journals in recent years.
Dr. Zhang founded or co-founded six high tech companies during last 20 years. In addition, he served as Vice President of SEG (2016-2017), a member of MIT visiting committee (2011-2019), a board governor of Asia School of Business (2018-present), and a lecturing professor of University of Science and Technology of China (2019-present). Click here for more details.
GeoTomo and HSB Geophysical announce partnership for the integration of well logs into time seismic processing and interpretation workflows. Houston, Texas - September 16, 2019. Click here for more details.
GeoTomo announces the release of TomoPlus 6.1!
We are proud to annouce the release of TomoPlus 6.1. We are continously adding new features, improving existing features, and fixing known bugs making TomoPlus 6.1 the best TomoPlus ever. New features such as RMS misfit curves for different offset ranges. Click here for more details.
Announcing VECON 4.4 - October 2018 Release
We are pleased to announce the release of VECON 4.4! The release features new 3D model building and survey design tools. The key additions are new 3D forward modeling options for generating synthetic SEGY files for processing and analysis. The options include Elastic Finite Difference Method and 3D Generalized Reflection and Transmission Method (GRTM) for both isotropic and anisotropic media. This release also includes many improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
Announcing GeoThrust 3.4 - May 2018 Release
Today, we are happy to announce the release of GeoThrust 3.4! This release focuses on improved workflow performance and on responding to the feedback we've received from our user community. Some of the many things we've worked on since the last GeoThrust 3.3 release includes adding a new module to perform velocity analysis for 3D volumes, new functionality to apply time-variant Q-compensation, new application to determine phase rotation required to match datasets, along with improvements to existing modules and general bug fixes. Click here for more details.
GeoTomo announces the release of TomoPlus 6.0!
Many new few features and enhances to CMP Node Space picking capability, significantly improved speed of Project Creation, new Hot Keys for improved efficiency, simplifed workflow for Delay-Time and GLI statics to just name a few. Click here for more details.
GeoTomo announces the release of VECON 4.3! Click here for more details.
GeoTomo introduces the i-stats workflow for image-based near-surface modeling for statics corrections implemented in GeoThrust 2D/3D data processing software system. With the i-stats workflow, you no longer need first-break picking as for traveltime tomography, you are not required to estimate a source wavelet as for full-waveform inversion, you do not fail velocity inversions as in traveltime tomography, you do not suffer from velocity-depth ambiguity, you are not required to perform data modeling as for any inversion method, and you do not exhaust computational resources as in full-waveform and joint inversions. Click here for details on the "i-stats" workflow. If you have a GeoThrust license, try the i-stats workflow on your data.
GeoTomo introduces the i-cube workflow for imaging complex subsurface structures implemented in GeoThrust 2D/3D data processing software system. With the i-cube workflow, you circumvent the velocity uncertainty in imaging complex structures, you preserve reflection and diffraction amplitudes, you need not the tedious and time-consuming velocity updating for prestack time migration, and you obtain an improved image in time compared to prestack time migration. Click here for details on the i-cube workflow. Additionally, click here for a video on the i-cube workflow. If you have a GeoThrust license, try the i-cube workflow on your data.
GeoTomo announces the release of TomoPlus 5.9! Click here for more details.
GeoTomo announces the release of GeoThrust 3.3! Click here for more details.